Connect bandcamp account
Hello there,
I'm discovering Strawberry and it's awesome so far. The fact that I can connect to my self-hosted Funkwhale instance through subsonic is beautiful.
If I could tell about one missing thing, that'd be to be able to connect to my bandcamp account.
If I could listen directly to my collection and wishlist from strawberry then I'd have all my music sources into it. Would be amazing.
Has it already been tried? Is it feasible technically or Bancamp API is too restrictive atm for such feature?
Honestly, this is one of the best suggestion I've seen in the site. I have some Bandcamp stuff too and the idea of playing it directly on Strawberry sounds great. This could be uselful for the album covers too, I think. Bandcamp has covers with good quality from various indie artists.
I have asked for API access but they declined.