Few Website for the words in Strawberry
This is my first message...
On the new soft Strawberry v1.0.10 there is only 6 websites for the words , on Clementine v1.4.0rc1-867-g9ef681b0e there is 32.
Can i myself include these ?
I am french and the site :letras.mus.br existing on clementine give me a lot of words of songs .
On Strawberry, it is poor in websites.
Thank you in advance. -
I assume you mean lyrics. Strawberry does not use websites for lyrics, with the exception of Genius and Musixmatch, but it only uses the web page in the result.
As for Clementine, if you check how many of the listed lyrics providers that actually work, there are something like 3, only major one that works is lyrics.com.
Some of the providers are gone, but for others, the web pages changed so Clementine is no longer able to parse the html page.
But this shouldn't come as a surprise, Clementine has been more or less abandoned for many years.
When scraping HTML pages for lyrics, you need to change the code each time they change the layout of the web page. This is exactly why we should avoid using websites for lyrics.
If you find a lyrics provider which has a API it's very easy to add. But using websites is not a good idea.
As for lyrics.com, I did look into it as some point, but there was an issue with adding it, but that I can't remember what it was. -
I've added lyrics from stands4 (lyrics.com) now if you want to test you can try the latest from https://builds.strawberrymusicplayer.org/