iOS sync script for Linux
Sharing a quick sync script for Linux that helps copy files from your playlists to a mounted iPhone. Hope someone else finds it useful. No warranty, blah blah blah.
- Prerequisites: Python 3, ifuse, your favorite Linux flavor.
- Make sure you update variables to match your own collection (lines 21-32).
- This requires an app OTHER THAN the default Music app, see (I currently use BTRamp, which isn't great but does well enough.) Use
ifuse --list-apps
to find your own app's identifier.
import logging import sqlite3 from os import makedirs, remove, rmdir, walk from os.path import getmtime from pathlib import Path from shutil import copyfile from subprocess import call from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse def error_out(error_msg, db_conn=None): ''' Print a message, close the Strawberry DB if open, exit with an error. ''' logging.error(error_msg) if db_conn: db_conn.close() exit(1) # The iOS identifier for your music app ios_appname = 'com.btrlabs.btramp' # Names of playlists you DON'T want to sync playlists_to_ignore = ['Unlistened', 'Test'] # The base folder where your collection is located src_folder = '/mnt/music' # The folder where your iPhone will be mounted dst_folder = '/mnt/iphone' # Your Strawberry SQLite DB location (including / prefix) music_db_file = '/.local/share/strawberry/strawberry/strawberry.db' # Change `INFO` to `DEBUG` here for more precise troubleshooting logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) logging.debug(f'Connecting to DB at $HOME{music_db_file} ...') try: home_folder_path = str(Path.home()) db = sqlite3.connect(home_folder_path + music_db_file) c = db.cursor() except Exception as e: error_out(f'Unable to connect to Strawberry DB: {e}', db) logging.debug('Building queue from DB ...') try: sync_queue = {} raw_playlist_ids = c.execute( """ SELECT ROWID FROM playlists WHERE name NOT IN ({}) """.format(','.join('?' * len(playlists_to_ignore))), tuple(playlists_to_ignore) ).fetchall() playlist_ids = [i[0] for i in raw_playlist_ids] logging.debug(f' Found {len(playlist_ids)} playlists.') for playlist_id in playlist_ids: playlist_songs = c.execute( """ SELECT songs.url, songs.mtime FROM songs LEFT JOIN playlist_items ON songs.rowid = playlist_items.collection_id WHERE playlist_items.playlist = ? """, (playlist_id,) ).fetchall() # Add song to queue, and also convert URLs to relative links, e.g. # file:///path/to/artist/album/song.mp3 to artist/album/song.mp3 for song in playlist_songs: sync_queue[str(Path(unquote(urlparse(song[0]).path)).relative_to('/mnt/music'))] = song[1] logging.debug(f' Added {len(playlist_songs)} songs from playlist #{playlist_id}.') db.close() logging.debug(f' Found {str(len(sync_queue))} files for sync.') except Exception as e: error_out(f'Unable to build queue: {e}', db) logging.debug('Checking iPhone mount status ...') try: if not Path(dst_folder).exists(): logging.debug(f' Creating {dst_folder} ...') makedirs(dst_folder) if not Path(dst_folder).is_mount(): logging.debug(f' Mounting iPhone at {dst_folder}.') ret = call(f'ifuse --documents {ios_appname} {dst_folder}', shell=True) if ret != 0: raise Exception(f'ifuse returned {ret}') else: logging.debug(f' iPhone is already mounted at {dst_folder}.') except Exception as e: error_out(f'Unable to mount iPhone: {e}')'Syncing files ...') try: unchanged = overwritten = removed = 0 for (path, folders, files) in walk(dst_folder): for file in files: # Ignore BTRAmp stuff if file == 'PlayerLog.log': continue dst_path = Path(path + '/' + file) relative_path = str(Path(path + '/' + file).relative_to(dst_folder)) # Same filename exists in src + dst: recopy if newer if relative_path in sync_queue: if sync_queue[relative_path] > getmtime(dst_path): if Path(src_folder + '/' + relative_path).exists(): logging.warning(f' Overwriting older file: {relative_path}') overwritten += 1 copyfile(Path(src_folder + '/' + relative_path), dst_path) else: raise Exception(f'Unable to read source file {relative_path}') else: unchanged += 1 logging.debug(f' Skipping unchanged file: {relative_path}') # Remove handled file from queue del sync_queue[relative_path] # Destination file isn't in the queue, delete it else: logging.warning(f' Removing file: {relative_path}') removed += 1 remove(dst_path) # Clean up empty folders; yes, there's potentially minor churn here if folders == [] and files == [] and '_btramp' not in path: logging.warning(f' Removing folder {path}') rmdir(path) newsongs = len(sync_queue) for song in sync_queue.keys(): dst_path = Path(dst_folder + '/' + song) folder = dst_path.parent if not folder.exists(): logging.debug(f' {folder}') makedirs(folder) logging.debug(f' {song}') copyfile(Path(src_folder + '/' + song), dst_path)' {newsongs} new, {unchanged} unchanged, {overwritten} updated, {removed} deleted.') except Exception as e: error_out(f'Unable to sync files: {e}') logging.debug('Unmounting iPhone ...') try: ret = call(f'fusermount -u {dst_folder}', shell=True) if ret != 0: raise Exception(f'fusermount returned {ret}') except Exception as e: error_out(f'Unable to unmount iPhone: {e}')'Sync complete.') exit()
I can't edit the original post, so here's a new version that properly handles accented characters in folders/files so that they don't perpetually re-copy. (For example, "Chopin, Frédéric".) Previous disclaimers and notes apply.
Separately, BTRamp is okay but tends to crash after a few hours, and won't shuffle more than 200 songs at a time. If anyone has iOS app suggestions that focus on locally stored songs, support CarPlay, and shuffle songs matching a detected genre ID3 tag, I'd love to hear about alternatives.
import logging import sqlite3 from os import makedirs, remove, rmdir, walk from os.path import getmtime from pathlib import Path from shutil import copyfile from subprocess import call from unicodedata import normalize from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse def error_out(error_msg, db_conn=None): ''' Print a message, close the Strawberry DB if open, exit with an error. ''' logging.error(error_msg) if db_conn: db_conn.close() exit(1) # The iOS identifier for your music app ios_appname = 'com.btrlabs.btramp' # Names of files your music app has internally that you DON'T want deleted skip_files = ['PlayerLog.log'] # Names of playlists you DON'T want to sync playlists_to_ignore = ['Unlistened', 'Test'] # The base folder where your collection is located src_folder = '/mnt/music' # The folder where your iPhone will be mounted dst_folder = '/mnt/iphone' # Your Strawberry SQLite DB location, relative to $HOME music_db_file = '.local/share/strawberry/strawberry/strawberry.db' # Adjust verbosity up to 'WARNING'/'ERROR' or down to 'DEBUG' logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) logging.debug(f'Connecting to DB at $HOME/{music_db_file} ...') try: home_folder_path = str(Path.home()) db = sqlite3.connect(home_folder_path + '/' + music_db_file) c = db.cursor() except Exception as e: error_out(f'Unable to connect to Strawberry DB: {e}', db)'Building queue from DB ...') try: sync_queue = {} raw_playlist_ids = c.execute( """ SELECT ROWID FROM playlists WHERE name NOT IN ({}) """.format(','.join('?' * len(playlists_to_ignore))), tuple(playlists_to_ignore) ).fetchall() playlist_ids = [i[0] for i in raw_playlist_ids] logging.debug(f"\tFound {len(playlist_ids)} playlists.") for playlist_id in playlist_ids: playlist_songs = c.execute( """ SELECT songs.url, songs.mtime FROM songs LEFT JOIN playlist_items ON songs.rowid = playlist_items.collection_id WHERE playlist_items.playlist = ? """, (playlist_id,) ).fetchall() # Add song to queue, and also convert URLs to relative paths, e.g. # file:///path/to/artist/album/song.mp3 to artist/album/song.mp3 for song in playlist_songs: sync_queue[str(Path(unquote(urlparse(song[0]).path)).relative_to('/mnt/music'))] = song[1] logging.debug(f"\tAdded {len(playlist_songs)} songs from playlist #{playlist_id}.") db.close()"\tFound {str(len(sync_queue))} files for sync.") except Exception as e: error_out(f'Unable to build queue: {e}', db) logging.debug('Checking iPhone mount status ...') try: if not Path(dst_folder).exists(): logging.debug(f' Creating {dst_folder} ...') makedirs(dst_folder) if not Path(dst_folder).is_mount(): logging.debug(f' Mounting iPhone at {dst_folder}.') ret = call(f"ifuse --documents {ios_appname} {dst_folder}", shell=True) if ret != 0: raise Exception(f'ifuse returned {ret}') else: logging.debug(f"\tiPhone is already mounted at {dst_folder}.") except Exception as e: error_out(f'Unable to mount iPhone: {e}')'Syncing files ...') try: unchanged = overwritten = removed = 0 for (path, folders, files) in walk(dst_folder): for file in files: # Ignore music player stuff if file in skip_files: continue # We have to convert accented characters from NFC (Linux) to NFD (Mac) # as we compare and store each file + folder dst_path = Path(normalize('NFD', path + '/' + file)) relative_path = str( Path(normalize('NFC', path) + '/' + normalize('NFC', file)) .relative_to(normalize('NFC', dst_folder)) ) # Same filename exists in src + dst: recopy if newer if relative_path in sync_queue: if sync_queue[relative_path] > getmtime(dst_path): if Path(src_folder + '/' + relative_path).exists(): logging.warning(f"\tOverwriting older file: {relative_path}") overwritten += 1 copyfile(Path(src_folder + '/' + relative_path), dst_path) else: raise Exception(f'Unable to read source file {relative_path}') else: logging.debug(f"\tSkipping unchanged: {relative_path}") unchanged += 1 # Remove handled file from queue del sync_queue[relative_path] # Destination file isn't in the queue, delete it else: logging.warning(f"\tRemoving file: {relative_path}") removed += 1 remove(dst_path) # Clean up empty folders; yes, there's potentially minor churn here if folders == [] and files == [] and '_btramp' not in path: logging.warning(f"\tRemoving folder: {path}") rmdir(path) newsongs = len(sync_queue) for song in sync_queue.keys(): dst_path = Path(dst_folder + '/' + song) folder = dst_path.parent if not folder.exists():"\tAdding folder: {folder}") makedirs(folder)"\tAdding file: {song}") copyfile(Path(src_folder + '/' + song), dst_path)"\t{newsongs} new, {unchanged} unchanged, {overwritten} updated, {removed} deleted.") except Exception as e: error_out(f'Unable to sync files: {e}') logging.debug('Unmounting iPhone ...') try: ret = call(f'fusermount -u {dst_folder}', shell=True) if ret != 0: raise Exception(f'fusermount returned {ret}') except Exception as e: error_out(f'Unable to unmount iPhone: {e}')'Sync complete.') exit()