Moving "through a song" stops the song?
I'm not certain if i'm doing something wrong or if i have discovered a bug. I'm on Manjaro (using the official repro verso 11.0.17-2) but when i listen a song and "drag" the "Progress Bar" (or what ever you want to call that) to skip a part of the song. Sometimes the Song might get "stuck" and i have to restart the song to make it start playing again. It doesn't help to hit pause or play again. It just will stuck and stop playing. Doing that back and forth for "long enough" might even result in a crash of strawberry.
Any clue what's the reason? -
@Peach As somebody who used various Strawberry versions, I can tell you this is definitely a bug. Althrought all the versions I've been using are in Windows 10; Not sure how Linux works and how this could be a factor to this issue.
I think I have had this happened once (I don't "drag" the songs often). It may be related to, at least the symptoms are the same: the song is stuck.