Synchronize play metadata with subsonic
It would be great to find a way to sync play metadata (last played, play count and especially ratings) to Subsonic servers for songs stored locally. The motivation is to sync these metadata across devices.
Currently, Strawberry can connect to Subsonic servers but it does not fetch the different statistics from the Subsonic server, and it is not even possible to set a rating. Moreover, music is streamed whereas I want to read the music files locally (if there is no internet).
I did not find any Subsonic client which is a player as good as Strawberry. In particular, most don't have a proper offline mode or playlist tabs. This explains why I want to stay with Strawberry. One solution would be a full Subsonic support (with offline mode, etc.) on Strawberry, but I think it is not the goal of Strawberry and would require too much work.
Amarok has such an option to sync the metadata above (plus custom labels) between different collections and, but not subsonic.
One obstacle I see is that Strawberry allows for half-stars (effectively rating / 10), but not Subsonic which has full stars only (rating / 5).