Song Fingerprinting and Tracking
Exactly what does "Song Fingerprinting and Tracking" do?
So no one has an answer to this question?
It's a concept borrowed from vinyl phonograph records. If you get fingerprints all over your favorite song, it will leave oils that will attract additional contaminants over time. This can cause issues with your stylus and cartridge where tracking is no longer perfect, causing distortion.
@poppop Very loosely adapted -- in the digital domain, it's applying heuristic algorithms to the data of a track, presumably spectral content, duration, that sort of stuff, that can then be compared to a central database of this information. Your player theoretically can identify a song you are playing, and big brother can track what songs you are playing, perhaps?
@poppop I have "Finger Printing and Tracking" turned on.
Does Strawberry write something to the files each time they are played?
Nothing is written to the files. The fingerprint is stored in the database the first time it sees the song. If a new song is discovered, it calculates the fingerprint and looks in the database if it has an entry for a fingerprint with a song that has a different path and no longer exists, then it uses that database entry for the newly discovered song so saved data isn't lost.
There is no "Big Brother", Strawberry never shares any data anywhere.See
and -
@jonas Does Strawberry use the Chromaprint method?
@rlkeeney Yes
@jonas Thanks.
@jonas MusicBrainz Picard has an option to "Save AcoustID fingerprints to file tags". Will SMP read/use/benefit from those saved fingerprints, or will it generate its own fingerprint instead?