Multi-Genre Support for Subsonic API
While it's not an entirely new feature request, I would wonder if it's at all possible to expand on the genre metadata from Subsonic servers. I self host LMS (Lightweight Music Server) and have taken pains to tag my genre metadata with multiple layers of genre information, ranging from time period, to region, to style, etc. Problem is, only one genre tag is pulled through.
In the following screenshot, the two sets of Brahms' requiem are pulled from a duplicate, local collection and the LMS subsonic api respectively:
I am hoping that it is possible to catch the rest. I know that it is supported by LMS / Subsonic because I similarly use the api with the mobile app Symfonium, which seems to pull all of the genre metadata without issue.
On examination, I believe the change would have to take place in the subsonicrequest.cpp file (src/subsonic/subsonicrequest.cpp), around line 605 where the QString genre gets defined. I am hardly versed in C++, python is more my usual course, but I can't help but wonder if it's something to do with the manner by which the json is subsetted. Perhaps it would be better cast as an array or some kind? Again, I don't know C++, so I leave it to you who know best in such matters.
I do hope that I have been clear enough, please do ask questions if you need further clarification. Furthermore, if I can be of service in making it happen, do let me know!
BaroqBardPS: Adding a Composer pull-through for the Subsonic would also be EXCELLENT, but my main priority would be the genre thing, hence the title!