Just installed latest Strawberry for Windows, and noticed exporting as M3U allowed typing in .m3u8 as extension name when saving.
My main reason for posting this in the first place, was cause I seemed to recall that for whatever reason I couldn't type in .m3u8 as extension when exporting in M3U format, in my Ubuntu installation.. Uh, man, I can't really trust my memories these days..

Posts made by BobbyWibowo
RE: Export playlists as .m3u8 instead of .m3u?
Export playlists as .m3u8 instead of .m3u?
Strawberry will actually export playlists as UTF-8-encoded .m3u when choosing M3U format, which means there are no information loss.
Unfortunately, music players such as foobar2000 won't bother attempting to read .m3u files with UTF-8 encoding, or whatever encoding is in the files themselves. So importing .m3u playlists which contain Japanese chars, or other extended Unicode chars, etc., will end up failing.
Fixing it for foobar2000 is as simple as renaming Strawberry-exported M3U playlists from .m3u to .m3u8. After which, foobar2000 will actually read the playlists with proper encoding (or it might simply forcefully assume UTF-8 encoding).
I have no idea who is at fault here, or if there was anybody at fault to begin with. But, I'd at least assume there should only be pros, and no cons, to simply having playlists exported as .m3u8, when saving in M3U format?It's more of a Quality of Life thing, of not having to manually rename my exported playlists to .m3u8, to be honest.
My use case is that I'm dual-booting with Windows, where I specifically use Windows for those games that just won't run well under Linux with Wine ........ actually now that I'm about done to write this, I just remembered Strawberry actually has a Windows client. So uh, I guess I'll just use that instead.. lmao. But still, posting this still, maybe as a food for thought?