
I don't understand what you want to do here.

I'll try to explain again:

So, let's say I'm playing a track from playlist A Now, I would like to start playing a random track from playlist B

To do this, I would have to

Click on playlist B Select a random track manually from playlist B (or ctrl+h and then select a track) Double click on the track to start playing it

Why can't you just press play?

The play button controls the currently playing track (from playlist A, in my example) So, pressing play just plays/pauses the current playing track


A button that shuffles the current selected playlist (not the one that is currently playing) and then plays a track from it.

Behavior when using this modified feature

I am playing a track from playlist A I press play/pause button: the current track plays/pauses I click on playlist B There is a "Shuffle Play" button between the "Clear Playlist" and "Undo" buttons. I click on "Shuffle Play" The playlist B is shuffled and a random track from the playlist B starts playing

Hope this makes it clear. I'm pretty sure many people would like to have such a feature, it is pretty convenient this way.