Can't save covers with slashes in name
I'm on Linux, and If I search for a cover for an album where the title contains a slash, I get an error message, and the cover won't save.
This is a general problem with Unixes, where the slash / is the directory separator and about the only invalid character in a file name. Therefore a slash must be replaced by another character, eg an underscore, before Strawberry tries to save a cover.
@leifbk You can use"" in a file name in Linux. I just created these three files using different methods. That said I don't think having a "" in a filename is a good idea.
@rlkeeney I'm talking about a forward slash (/) not a backslash (\), like in Lionel Hampton's "Golden Vibes / Silver Vibes". It's probably the same issue with artist names with slashes in them, like AC/DC (which I don't play).
The problem is that I don't try to create the file, Strawberry does when it downloads a cover and tries to save it in the music folder.
I have set Strawberry to "Save album covers in album directory" with the default pattern %albumartist-%album -- which doesn't work when there's a slash in the album name. Then it just throws up an error message saying something to the effect that the image can't be stored.
This is clearly a bug, and it should be easy to remedy by replacing the slash with another character, like an underscore, before saving.