Collection search not always working
I'm not sure when this started to happen but I'm seeing recently that, in some cases, context clicking on a track in a playlist and selecting 'show in collection' doesn't show the track, or others in the same album. Also if I then edit the search string to reduce it to a minimum the track still isn't shown. I do have "Show -> Entire collection' enabled. It is as if the track has fallen out of the collection.
If I select 'Show in file browser' the track is shown and I can drag into the playlist. Then 'edit track information' doesn't show anything untoward.
An example 'show in collection' string is "artist:Francis Poulenc album:Les Mamelles de Tiresias, Lyon 11" I reduce it down to Lyon - without an album prefix and still nothing.
strawberry Version 1.0.14 -
Do a consistency check of the database: re-creating the songs_fts data, with the following commands:
Remove all songs_fts data:
delete from songs_fts;
Re-create songs_fts data from songs:
INSERT INTO songs_fts (ROWID, ftstitle, ftsalbum, ftsartist, ftsalbumartist, ftscomposer, ftsperformer, ftsgrouping, ftsgenre, ftscomment) SELECT ROWID, title, album, artist, albumartist, composer, performer, grouping, genre, comment FROM songs;
Thanks - the database integrity check passed, shut down strawberry, and recreated songs_fts but on restarting I see the same problem. Full collection rescan?
Maybe related after the restart I was trying various strings in the search bar and SMP crashed on me. Last line on .xsession-errors (maybe from SMP) was kf.i18n: "1 instead of 2 arguments to message {by %1 (%2)} supplied before conversion."
If this is the same issue as, it should be fixed now. Test with the latest from