Category "Various Artists"
Several tracks are in the "Various Artists" category" , I don't know why .
I click on ""Don't show in various artists"".
I rescan the library ; the tracks are again in the "Various Artists" category"What is this category for? How to solve this problem?
Thank you
Compilation albums are categorized in "Various Artists", which is either songs where the compilation tag is set.
Strawberry also has a automatically compilation detection, if there are songs with more than one artist without a common album artist in the same directory, all songs in that specific directory are marked as compilations and goes into "Various Artists".
You can override this behavior for any songs by either setting "Show in Various Artists" or "Don't show in Various Artists", that should be remembered across collection scans and the user choice has the highest priority so it will override even compilation tags. If it's not remembered, that sounds like a bug. -
When testing here, if I select "Don't show in Various Artists" and do a full collection rescan, it's still remembered after the scan finished, so I can't reproduce any issues with that. -
Thank you , It was due to misuse on my part