"Beats-per-minute" is an essential filter tag
Re: BPM needed!
Given how important EDM is as a music genre, and how important BPM is to EDM as a music filter, how come we don't have the already existing "Beats-per-minute" ID3 tag available in the columns list of main window? Seems incredible this is not in there. I can even see it if I right click on windows explorer and choose it and it is provided in pretty much every download from any EDM outlet, but not available in Strawberry player window? I absolutely 100% love this software so far, but absolutely 100% need BPM on my music as a tag filter.
What makes it complicated is that BPM can change across the recording, unlimited number of times. So should it store the "average" BPM in that case? And how should it be calculated if so.
@apistoletov I am not sure that is relevant. Here is why... the tag already exists. So all I care about is being able to right-click on Strawberry main window and show that particular ID tag in the Stawberry window ...but it isnt listed. Why? Its not a difficult thing to add in.
longer explanation...
Every EDM track I ever downloaded from Beatport or other EDM distribution labels used for DJing has BPM for that track set in the ID3 tag called "Beats-per-minute". This is already defined and existing in 100% of tracks in my EDM folder of music. Any EDM track changing BPM part way through is going to cause problems coz its dance music none of them change bpm part way through. For rock, maybe you have point but it isnt relevant in terms of showing the ID 3 tag - just showing it. Its there. Why not let us show it?
not sure if links to images are allowed but here is an example of it in action on windows. https://imgur.com/a/rJkmxSn BPM is a key thing in EDM, maybe folk rock never had this concern, but I do.
I completely agree! "Beats-per-minute" is a crucial filter tag, especially for projects or discussions involving audio processing, heart rate monitoring, or tempo adjustments. It helps categorize and streamline the search for relevant content, making it easier for others to find and contribute to related topics. Adding this tag would definitely enhance organization and accessibility.