macOS support
To continue making macOS releases, I need more sponsors, and money to buy hardware.
I used to run a macOS Big Sur in VirtualBox, it crashed while attempting to upgrade to Ventura. It has also proved to be unreliable and incredible slow. It is also not possible to run a ARM64 based macOS on my x86_64 based computer, which is what most users have today. So I've decided to give that up.
So to continue making macOS releases I need the cheapest mac mini (M2 8-Core / 8GB RAM / 256GB HDD) which costs around 760 USD.
If there are 20 users willing to donate, it will be $38 each.
This machine will be used only for Strawberry development, to build the releases, and also for me to use for testing releases and debugging macOS specific issues.I'm also requiring some regular sponsorship to cover time spent on making releases, solving issues and giving support. I'm going to set this to at least 30 users with 5 USD month each. Please note that this does not guarantee that all reported bugs and problems can be fixed, but I will of course try to fix anything I can.
I'm also closing future macOS releases so that they are only available to those that sponsor the project. But I will of course make exceptions for those who have donated money in the past. The source code will always be open source and free software, but not the binary releases.
I wish there was another way, but I know from 5 years experience developing Strawberry how much time and resources I need to put into this.
If someone else wants to volunteer to do this, then I'm open for that too. It requires some C++, Objective C and Qt development experience.
If you are a macOS user, please reply with your thoughts, or send me a message, or e-mail me in private.
I'm also considering doing the same for Windows releases, but I need to start with macOS because I have no way of supporting macOS anymore right now.
J jonas referenced this topic on
@jonas This is entirely reasonable. Maintaining something like this shouldn't be out of pocket for you in either money or time.
I can be one of the 20. Do you prefer GitHub sponsors or Patreon for the monthly thing?
I just now signed up because I was trying to find out what a CI for ARM would be exactly, and if I was even able to make one on my 2021 Mac (I'm not a programmer but have done pipelines and configuration management).
Also if we believe GitHub, there will be MacOS ARM64 runners "sometime later this year" for a GA date (Q4 2023 at least), after it was pushed back once already. Not holding my breath.
Also part two, MacOS ARM binaries will require code signing, $99 USD per year.
The instructions at work for me (with a few modifications for /opt/homebrew), however I can't run any resulting binary as I get the exception "EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGKILL (Code Signature Invalid))".
Strawberry installed from Homebrew does work nicely through Rosetta however.
Thanks, either GitHub Sponsors or Patreon is fine with me.I'm aware that GitHub actions might support macOS ARM64 in the future, but I still need a machine for debugging and testing.
I know other users have compiled and used Strawberry on arm64. You might need to allow execution in the security settings. But if I get enough sponsors, I should get a developer account and sign the releases.
@jonas I'm glad to support this and have donated in the past. I use Strawberry Music Player daily. It's great. I did wonder though if you are close to getting enough support to work on an ARM64 version? Either way I will throw something into the hat today.
Just joined the forum and I would be willing to donate US 38.00 for a M1/M2 version. Used to do programming back in the 70s and 80s but can still find my way around most languages - BUT hate 'C' , you know it's going to bite you at some time!
That does not mean I don't understand it but prefer better language's.coullone
@coullone When you say you hate 'C', you mean C++ or Objective-C? I'm not programmer but I have curiosity.
I'm in for $38 (just sent w/ Paypal). I'd love to contribute to this project at some point as well, if I ever I find the time.
I coincidentally just signed up at $5/month support then ran across this thread. I'm a MacOS user and really appreciate being able to avoid iTunes.
How are you doing on the donations for the system?
@mike_jones Only the 5 users who responded here so far. But since that's 1/4, it should be possible to reach 20 I guess.
I see a few already paid too, so thanks. I can put info with link here up on the website too. -
There appears to be a bug with the search fields on mac in the latest 1.0.18 release which requires a mac to fix. I have not changed anything with the search fields from 1.0.17 to 1.0.18 so the bug could also be in the Qt library.
@jonas - I'm in for $38. Can you post your paypal address here and I'll send it that way?
Hi Jonas, I have just joined GitHub and the Strawberry Music Player Forum to help support your Mac efforts as the need for a Mac/ARM version is urgent in my opinion. The Apple Music App is simply atrocious in so many ways.
While I'm not yet at all familiar with GitHub or the forum I found this request for help with a Mac Mini.
I was wondering if you managed to get enough fund for this project and if not how short you are ?Please let me know
I'm not really able to subscribe to a regular donation as I no longer have a regular consistent income but I can find my way for a one off donation to help with this project and potentially ongoing donations towards the ARM version just not monthly.
3 users have paid, and still only 5 users in total, not counting you. -
@jonas that is a pretty poor show so far, I would have thought more people would have wanted a Mac/ARM version. It would suit me better personally (for anonymity reasons) if I bought one and sent it to you unopened, is that an option ? If not, I could do paypal it would just need to be a few smaller amount transactions over a week or two
That's an option if you really want to donate one, it would sure speed things up. I'll send you my address in private. -
I have received a mac mini from @MarvinTM1, I've integrated the build on it in GitHub Actions, so it automatically publishes development builds.
But running them unsigned seem to be a nightmare, macOS says they are corrupt, so I've signed up for a Apple developer account so I can sign them (cost me circa 100$ per year), however I could not get automatic signing to work, so the development builds will be unsigned, I will manually build and sign official releases.
The macOS downloads will be located here:
Development builds for arm64 (M1/M2) are already ready, and they seem to work, but they are not signed, so a bit difficult to get macOS to run them.
For now it will be restricted to sponsors, $5 per month, but I won't be too strict on this, so if you for some reason can't pay $5 just send me an message anyway and I'll consider adding you.
I will also make exceptions to this for users who have sponsored for a long time in the past, or have helped the project in some way. -
@jonas Those are excellent news! MarvinTM1 was really charitable by buying you a whole Mac computer just to continue with the Strawberry builds. Have fun! And be patient, I know from experience macOS can be tricky...