New Error Opening Strawberry on Linux Mint
I am a happy user and Patreon (bragging) of Strawberry.
I am encountering a problem with Strawberry that I haven't had until today: Strawberry (version 1.0.21) doesn't launch.
I get the following error when I run Strawberry from the terminal:
flatpak run org.strawberrymusicplayer.strawberry
/app/bin/strawberry: symbol lookup error: /app/bin/strawberry: undefined symbol: _ZN14QReadWriteLock16destroyRecursiveEP21QReadWriteLockPrivate, version Qt_6_PRIVATE_APII did the usual fixes: (1) I deleted and reinstalled the app through Flatpak, (2) I ran a Flatpak repair to see if it found any problems, and (3) I rebooted my system. These didn't work.
If you can, please give me some advice on this.
Scott -
The link error is because Strawberry was built with a different Qt version than the one that is found on the system.
Whether this is because you are missing an update of the flatpak system, or whether this is because strawberry have not been rebuilt when Qt was updated I do not know.
You should probably try a flatpak update first. I think it's simply:flatpak update
If the issue persists, the issue should probably be reported to the flatpak community.
We do not distribute the flatpak, and we can't give much support for it either. -
@relffits A new version of Strawberry resolved the issue for me on Linux Mint.
@jonas Thanks for the feedback, but I ran a Flatpak repair AND update. I should have been more clear. Flatpak delivered an update this morning, and I am back in business. I didn't test Strawberry before doing the update, so I can't swear that the update fixed my problem, but whatever made the difference, I am happy now.
@aap Thanks aap. It's terrible to say, but I feel better knowing I wasn't the only one with the problem.
I break too many things doing something boneheaded, so the possibility it was something I did was in the back of my mind.