Duplicate library entries created after organising.
Hi Folks,
Doing a bit of consolidating of multiple music folders onto a new disk, using the organise files functionality. When I do this, multiple entries for each track appear in the library (all pointing at the same location (the new one). Rescanning songs and rebuilding the library doesn't help. Any ideas?
There is an option in the organize dialog to delete or keep original files. Did you select delete original files?
Doing a full rescan should normally fix this if there were just duplicates in the DB that are not actually on disk, but you can check it with the following queries in Tools / Console:Check if there are songs with identical URL in the DB:
select url, title, album, artist, count(*) from songs group by url having count(*) > 1 order by count(*) desc;
Check if there are songs with the same artist, album and title in the DB:
select title, album, artist, count(*) from songs group by title, album, artist having count(*) > 1 order by count(*) desc;
Deleting all the collection directories and readding will delete everything from songs table so if they still appear even when doing that they are probably duplicates on disk.
There was a bug when organizing songs and moving between different collection directories, it was duplicating the songs in the database. It is fixed now.