Seekbar position different in similar environments - find no way to configure this
I have Strawberry 1.0.1 installed under Manjaro Linux 21.2.3 both on a physical computer and a VMWare Player virtual machine on a Windows 10 host.
On the physical computer the seekbar/progressbar is positioned at the bottom of the playlist section below the play buttons and the analyzer.
On the virtual machine it is stretched to the whole width of the window below context and playlist section.
I prefer the second layout but I can't find a possibility to change that in the settings window. Is there a setting for that or is it dependent on something else?
Funny, I started this thread just a day ago.
The GUI way to stretch the status bar is a bit clumsy:- In Settings, enable "Show playing widget" under "Behavior"
- Playback something, so that the now playing widget appears
- Right click on the widget
- Select "Show above status bar"
- Disable "Show playing widget" in Settings (if you don't want it)
Or just add
[PlayingWidget] above_status_bar=true
to strawberry.conf
I dont know what this playing widget feature is, as I see no difference (even while playing) no matter if its activated or not, but even with it deactivated adding the PlayingWidget section and setting the above_status_bar key in strawberry.conf stretches the seekbar to the whole width as desired, so many thanks for your hint.