Strawberry Error - Server does not support seeking
When I use Strawberry (v1.2.6 on Debian 12, Plasma) to stream SomaFM, Strawberry occasionally stops streaming and displays the attached error message.
. I close the error message and press play and Strawberry begins streaming again.
I have not been able to force the error to occur but it seems to happen more often when the workstation returns to operation after sleeping. For those events, Strawberry begins streaming and then a short time later (a minute or two maybe) it stops streaming and displays the error.
For what it's worth, my internet connection is gigabit symmetrical.
If there is a more appropriate venue for me to report these incidents please let me know. Strawberry is a great music player, I've donated to the project.
I have same problem (on Xubuntu 24.04)...In real problem is not "stream and stop streaming", but after resumed from sleep, is only play remained part from cache/buffer filled before suspend,
after cache is empty, is show this error as Strawberry try seek on SomaFM from "time in suspend" to "time now" and this not supported by SomaFM -
It's known issue (, it probably happens in your case because the connection gets interrupted.