Xtra large collection. All songs have more than 20 entries in the collection.
I am a former DJ and have an extremely large collection.
Adding my "big" folder results in multiple instances of each song (at least 20). Making it gigantic. I have deleted everything, purged Strawberry (Debian) and re-installed and re-scanned 3 times with same results.On my other machine with the same Music folder successfully Rsync'd this did not happen, perfect the first time.
On the failing machine I have searched for occurrences of a few of the filenames that have over 20 entries and found only 1 actual occurrence using the "find" command.
I do have multiple occurrences of some songs that appeared on more than one album, the original and again on a greatest hits version for instance. Both show over 20 instances.
MX21 distro (Debian Bullseye) linux, 16 GB RAM, 4CPU AMD Phenom, MSI motherboard. All SSD with /home on a separate, NVME connection.
No other issues with any programs or anything.
Thanks in advance.PKsings