Live Scanning
Where is the live scanning option gone in the newer versions of Strawberry? It was in 0.7.2 under collection. But I can't see it in 0.8.1
I intentionally removed it because of certain issues it might cause.
I understand but Strawberry not completed a full music scan so I can't choose my music unless I drag & drop from finder
If the collection scan never completes it could be because it gets stuck reading files, I would check the HD for failure, or copy the music on a different HD and see if that works.
The music files from dropbox via a virtual drive
I have not tested with dropbox.
Then I would try to copy some music to a different folder outside of dropbox to pinpoint if the problem is with dropbox or not. -
If you have issues with the scan never finishing you can start strawberry from the terminal to get an idea where it's stuck. Similar problem reported on GitHub turned out to be a permission issue:
If you are on Linux or macOS can simply open a terminal window, then start strawberry by simply typing strawberry on Linux. On macOS you can type: /Applications/
On Windows you have to use the debug version to see the output.