Great looking player, THANKS! I read about Strawberry on and had to try it because the author said it plays DSD files (e.g. .dsf). However, that capability isn't listed under your "Features", and indeed, when I try to add a dsf file this is the error:
"File /home/xyz/Music/love.dsf is not recognized as a valid audio file."
I think you're using gstreamer and dpkg shows libav is loaded:
gstreamer1.0-libav:amd64 1.16.2-2 amd64 ffmpeg plugin for GStreamer
That file (and many others) play fine as DoP with this ffmpeg command line:
ffmpeg -hide_banner -i /home/xyz/Music/love.dsf -c:a pcm_s24le -f alsa plughw:1,3
What am I doing wrong? Strawberry has exactly what I need to replace foobar2000 (under Wine of course) as a native player. Please assume I'm an idiot who knows just enough to be dangerous.
Thanks for any help.
(Environment is Linux Mint 20.1)