@helpless_dancer Got it. I'd still love to see it ported to Android, though.
Wish I took more programming classes in college.
Posts made by Piuser
RE: Please add Artist Info and Android support
RE: Please add Artist Info and Android support
Was Clementine available for Android? I only see a Clementine Remote that can control Clementine on a PC.
I'd really like to see an Android version of this app. Of course, I assume that is far from a trivial matter to port it to Android otherwise it'd have been done.
RE: Raspberry Pi 4 version
This can be easily, although it takes some work to do, to compile for a RPi, on a RPi. I was able to do it on my RPi3 running Bullseye. You can do it using the Debian/Ubuntu compiling instructions over on the Github. (I found that when it came to the "make" command, just using "make" without the "-j$(nproc)" worked best since the Pi3 is kinda slow, it may work fine on a Pi4.)
Where it gets time consuming, is that you need to install the dependencies. Taglib 1.12 (which is highly recommended because 1.11 can corrupt .ogg files) needs to be compiled from source (unless the Pi repository has finally been updated), same with Qt6 (Compiling Qt6 was probably the most frustrating part of the process and it takes a while to compile it on a RPi3. Qt5 can be added through RPi's built-in software install app). What I did was run "cmake .." from the "build" directory and watched the screen output to see what dependencies were missing and added them. It can be frustrating figuring out what the name of the dependency is when trying to add it from the Pi Repositories. The official software installation app is a big help with eeking out most dependencies, "apt list" is another big help, some I just had to resort to googling to find the dependency name.
Yes, it'd be nice if someone would add it to the official repository, but once you have all the dependencies installed it goes fairly quickly. Obviously, the downside is that you have to keep the dependencies installed so that you can compile newer releases, which takes up space.
I don't frequent here, but if you want some assistance and are patient, I might be able to help if you hit a roadblock. I'm not a programmer or a heavy Linux user, so I can't really answer compiling questions outside of those issues I ran into compiling this and other software on my Pi, but I can try to answer any questions you may have.
Edit to add: I went through all of this to compile version 1.0.2, compiling 1.0.3 went very smoothly since I had all the dependencies installed when I was trying to compile 1.0.2. Just to let you know that the latest version can be compiled and run on a Pi. The verison of Bullseye I am running is the 32 bit version.
RE: RPi3-Make Install Quirk w/ QT6
After doing some more searching online, it looks like the runtime path was changed to "" when I <make install>. I found what I believe to be the culprit in: /home/pi/Downloads/temp/strawberry-1.0.2/build/src/cmake_install.cmake
Changed the "New_Rpath" to be the same as the old and it worked fine. I am guessing the Rpath only gets changed when installing it using <make install> and not for the compiled binary.
RPi3-Make Install Quirk w/ QT6
I am running into a quirk while trying to use <make install> to install Strawberry 1.0.2 when its compiled using the Qt6 dependencies. This happens both on my RPi3 running 32 bit Bullseye but also when i replicated the steps using the latest Linux Mint via a VM on my laptop. The issue is that when I compile the binaries using <make>, I can double click on the resulting "strawberry" executable file and it starts up fine. When I try to install it using <make install>, it gets installed and shows up under the "Sound & Video" menu option, but when I select it, Strawberry never starts up. I open a terminal and type "strawberry" from any directory and I get the following error: "strawberry: error while loading shared libraries: libQt6Concurrent.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". I thought it was an issue with PATH, but if I copy the strawberry executable from the "build" directory to the directory that <make install> places the executable, it will run fine whether I go through the menu or terminal. I originally compiled using the default Qt5 libraries on my RPi, and that worked fine after <make install>. Not sure what is different, I assumed <make install> just took the binary built using <make> and copied it to the appropriate directory, but that does not appear to be the case. As I mentioned earlier, running through the same steps gives the same outcome in Linux Mint (I know I can just install it on Mint through the normal repository, I was just trying to see if it was a quirk on the Pi).
More Info:
I left a lot out, but I have all of the dependencies installed so that when I run <cmake> it does not say I am missing any. The file that gives the error above is under one of the Qt6 library directories,so it is on my Pi (and Mint). I have performed several "clean" compilings both just wiping out the "build" directory as well as re-downloading and re-uncompressing the source to the directory, starting over. Everything I have tried comes out the same.Oh, when I run <make> I don't use the "-j$(proc)" that the Debian/Ubuntu compiling instructions say to use. It causes my RPi3 to freeze. Simple "make" works well, the Pi4 may be powerful enough to not freeze up using that option. I did try the "-j$(proc)" on Mint, no difference in outcome (not that I really expected it to).
Any ideas?