Any news on this? Not sure how hard it would be to add a BPM column to the main view.
@jonas could you add this feature request to the correct category?
Any news on this? Not sure how hard it would be to add a BPM column to the main view.
@jonas could you add this feature request to the correct category?
On macOS, menus do not include icons. See this menu of the default music app by Apple:
Currently Strawberry shows a lot of icons. It would be great to follow the interface guidelines to make Strawberry feel more at home on macOS.
And a second question: is it possible to switch icon themes? Currently Strawberry uses the following theme on macOS:
Those icons look very mac unlike. Since there is indeed a more modern icon set, the question is, if it would be possible to switch the default icon set for macOS to
I have no idea, what the main window looks like with this breeze(?) icon set, but if it is monochrome and flat like the icons used in the menus, this would be much more consisten with the rest of the OS.
@jonas Not sure I understand answer re: 2. I would either expect value 1-10 where value 3 would represent 1,5 stars and value 5 2,5 stars etc or 1-5 where 1,5 would represend 1,5 stars and 2,5 would represent 2,5 stars. But apparently this is not how this works.
Sadly I have no second software to verify the current values are read correctly.
@jonas thanks so much for working on this. It is a much desired feature of mine I have been waiting for for a long time. So seeing action on this gets me excited.
With closed and merged I was wondering what the current state is.
Enabled both settings in Preferences > Collection > Song Playcounts and ratings. Clicked the save now button and checked some files tags.
while for another file with also a five star rating the rating value is ,255,2
. Is that expected?I stand corrected Mixxx is still lacking writing capabilities. Still unsure what the status for writing / reading ratings for Starberry is however.
Ratings seem to be a weak point in metadata specification but most software has settled on 5 stars either full or half increments allowed.
Using Mixxx frequently as well as Strawberry. Mixxx can read ratings from file tags and it also can save ratings to files.
However in Starberry I see neither option for a single track. And if I write a rating to a track in Mixxx it seems, even after re-scanning songs in Strawberry, the rating is not found or updated.