I actually notice a problem now with Strawberry and GStreamer 1.18 on Windows where it periodically makes a small "pop" sound (possible jump), not exactly sure what to call it, it occurs circa 4 seconds into the track, but sometimes elsewhere too, similar problem occurs when unpausing consistently each time.
I have only tested with FLAC files, but see that problem only occurs with the FLAC codec, playing the same file works fine using libav codec from within Strawberry. I can't reproduce the problem with gst-launch with either codec.
The problem is gone when downgrading GStreamer to version 1.16.2. So I tried to compile gstreamer using the latest code from git too see if the problem has already been fixed, and the problem appears to be fixed. I can definitely tell it by unpausing. So I'm going to use that until the next stable version of GStreamer is released.
So hopefully this will resolve also the issues reported to by @warbaque and @kaiser_sosai.
The buffering issues are most likely a different problem.