Internet Radio or Podcasts?
Playlist / Add Stream -
@jonas That helps, thanks.
I can't see a way to give a name to the stations, rather than using the somewhat unwieldy long name it provides, but I have added a few stations to a playlist folder called 'Radio'. -
Resurrecting an old thread, I would also like to rename stations, so I don't have to remember that, for example, "" is actually my local KOPB stream. Is this possible?
@depmco Not intuitive, but if I gather streams into a playlist -- then "favorite" that playlist (double click star) -- close the playlist -- and reopen from the list of favorites in the Playlists Sidebar -- Then, and only then, can I right click on a stream and "Edit tag 'Title' ". In my Strawberry, the text I type is annoyingly superimposed in the edit field, but it does work.
Prior to discovering this, I went through a tedious process of creating a playlist of streams, saving it and then editing all the titles of the saved playlist in a text editor. The method above seemed easier to explain.
Perhaps Jonas does not want to introduce "feature creep" in Strawberry, but the stream function is pretty spartan and could use a little love, IMHO.
@silver-sun I somehow missed this response. I'll give it a try. Thanks!
Just a suggestion if you want something relatively simple for radio streams. PLS playlist file:Create following in text editor (i.e. Notepad), save with .pls extension (i.e. "Radio.pls).
File1=Stream URL
Title1=Whatever title you want
File2=Stream URL
Title2=Whatever title you want
and so on...If you want them in some specific order and add new ones later you just increment numbers.
+1 on this... i used a bunch of streams in clementine and adding them was a no brainer... now i cant add them without jumping through hops. The streams itself work just fine when added to a playlist, so why not have a simple feature to have them in the "Radio" selection too?
I registered to +1 this idea. I have no interest in the random radio stations that appear under Radios. It’s a complete waste. I already know the stations I want to listen to. Yes, I can (& have) added them to a playlist, but it seems bizarre to have a shortcut to this section that is useless to me while playlists aren’t as convenient or as discoverable.
I need this feature, with clementine is possible to add your own radio streams with url on Internet section on Strawberry maybe Radio Section, i think it's easy and not related to playlist, because if I need to delete actual playlist? The stream dissapears.
For me, this feature would be completely useless.
@totti_777 I just added my Radio to Strawberry... previously, I loaded the contents of the 'Radio' tab and ended up with one or two I liked, but couldn't work out how to 'add radio'.
So then - as with PyRadio which I usually use - I mostly added those by copying the URL from radio-browser.
You can do the same job with an m3u playlist:
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:0,🗫 BBC - Radio 4 Extra #EXTINF:0,🎵 101 - Smooth Jazz
I save playlists separate from my media players after having lost some in the past - so this works well (and Strawberry is good at getting Lyrics for many stations) so that I removed my alternative GUI radio player.