how to autostart Strawberry in ubuntu linux
I have a linux based music box that runs audacious and it auto starts with "audacious u%". I tried the same thing with strawberry but it does not work. How do i get Strawberry to auto load on startup?
So i installed Gnome tweaks and that has a "startup applications" area there. Strawberry does now auto start but does not auto play even though the option to resume playback on startup is selected.Heres the even more weird part...
If i close Strawberry and restart it WILL auto play the songs... but
If i leave Strawberry open and restart it will NOT auto play.... why is that? any ideas?What i am trying to achieve is a headless standalone linux PC "music box" that just keeps on playing my entire music collection at random songs 24/7 and even if there is a power outage, it will auto startup and resume playback without me having to remote into it.
@animatedjay: Which is the playback state when you restart Strawberry or the whole machine, Playing, Paused, Stopped?
I'm running a Mini PC with Manjaro Linux as my "stereo" with a playlist containing the whole music collection in random order, Strawberry in autostart, and have "Resume playback on start" activated as well.
In Paused mode, restarting the program or rebooting the computer makes Strawberry starting playback immediately, in Stopped mode it also starts in Stopped mode again, so for me that option works as expected.