Best posts made by rlkeeney
RE: What Do You Listen To? posted in Music
RE: Can you search by field?
@Sharky-PI In your collection view. Hover over the search field, and a box will appear that tells you how to do this. Most of these will also work in the listing search.
RE: Import play count data from Clementine
@rakham You can import the data from Clementine. The instructions are here in the forum. I did it.
RE: Bad visibility of shuffle/repeat button states
@ondra5 I can barely see the icon and not well enough to guess what it is.
Sort Smart Play Lists
I use smart playlists almost exclusively.
I want to be able to sort the list or reorder them.
RE: Segmentation Fault While Playing
@jonas Yes, I have enabled Save play counts to song tags.
Thanks. I'll wait for the update to work its way into the repository. I just got 1.2.4.
RE: Strawberry is in Chinese
@rlkeeney Control-P Click on the top option (Behavior) 12 lines down is the language drop-down.
RE: Song Fingerprinting and Tracking
@poppop I have "Finger Printing and Tracking" turned on.
Does Strawberry write something to the files each time they are played?
RE: Intelligent Playlists with AND and OR combined
@desputin If I understand correctly, you need to set the rating to >3.5. That will play anything rated at four or above.
Buffering Forever
Strawberry Version 1.0.23
Fedora release 39 (Thirty Nine)When playing MP3s, Strawberry plays for a while and stops. On the lower left, it says buffering 0% and never changes. I have let it sit overnight. If I click on anything in the window, it hangs. If I use the taskbar icon to quit. the window and the icon go away but Strawberry is still running in the background and I need to use the "killall strawberry" to shut it down. After restarting, it plays again for several tracks, and it happens again.
RE: Better file organization
@maverick While I am not generally a fan of most of the suggestions promoted here, I like this one.
I, too, have had a similar issue with the USB flash drives I use in my truck. If the directory structure is deep, the system in my truck will skip the track or complain about it. Both of which is annoying.
RE: Buffering Forever
@jonas I upgraded Fedors from 39 to 40 and it seems to be fixed.
RE: Strawberry no longer free?
I donated $20 US via Pay Pal. I use Strawberry everyday. It's worth it to me.
RE: Please make dragging to rate much harder to achieve
@mrbluebudo I have experienced this as well.
I want the ability to turn it off. For me, it serves no function.